Friday, November 29, 2019

Othello and Desdemona vs. Romeo and Juliet free essay sample

Othello and Desdemona vs. Romeo and Juliet Othello and Desdemona are similar and different from Romeo and Juliet in several ways, both as couples, and as individuals. The circumstances they face and the nature of their characters share similarities, and so do the choices they make, but the other characters in the respective plays, and the key differences in Othello and Romeos dispositions cause them to go down separate roads, even if the end stage is the same. Desdemona and Juliet are interesting, not because they are portrayed as intrinsically interesting, because they aren’t, but because of the way that they respond to the pressure created by the clash of family and love in their lives. Neither Desdemona nor Juliet suffer from deep moral flaws, conflicted personalities or any of the other characteristics that make many of the other characters interesting, but they share the simple dilemma of having to choose between family and love. We will write a custom essay sample on Othello and Desdemona vs. Romeo and Juliet or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Juliet is caught on one side of the Capulet Montague feud, and her lover, Romeo, on the other. She is initially torn between the two, correct in thinking that she can only choose one, but she, of course, soon chooses Romeo. Desdemona faces the same choice; when asked to testify against Othello in front of the Duke of Venice on lines 182-191, she declares her allegiance to Othello rather than to her father Brabantio, though she â€Å"perceive(s) here a divided duty† (Shakespeare I. iii. 183). In doing so she alienates her father, causing him to begrudge her rather than Othello, and stating â€Å"I am glad at soul I have no other child† (Shakespeare I. iii. 198). As Juliet betrays her whole family in loving an enemy, Desdemona betrays her father and his innate racism by marrying a moor. Othello and Romeo share far fewer similarities than do Desdemona and Juliet. In fact, Romeo, the sentimental lover boy is almost the perfect opposite to the stiff, warlike Othello. While Romeo has no problem professing his love, and is very confident in an intimate setting, Othello is more accustomed the military social sphere, and takes pride and comfort in his military accomplishments, rather than his ability as a lover. This plays out in each character’s relationship with their love interest. Romeo and Juliet have a trusting relationship; they blame their marriage troubles on their feuding families and on outside factors, rather than directing anger or blame at each other. Othello, on the other hand, is so insecure about his relationship with Desdemona that he allows himself to be convinced of her infidelity quite easily by Iago. He pounces on the opportunity to reinforce his fears and blame his insecurity on Desdemona, instead of trusting her the way Romeo trusts Juliet, and finally accuses her of sleeping with Cassio on line 72 of Act 4 Scene 2 (Shakespeare). The most obvious similarity between Othello and Desdemona, and Romeo in Juliet, is the tragic end both couples meet. Romeo and Juliet have a rather complicated series of misunderstandings that lead both of them to commit suicide. The melodramatic reasoning behind this self-murder is that neither Romeo nor Juliet can live without the other, and would rather join them in death. Othello makes the same decision when he realizes that Desdemona was, in fact not unfaithful. This is not as interesting as his reasoning behind killing her in the first place. When he first becomes convinced of Desdemona’s disloyalty, he decides to kill her, not only as revenge, but also to preserve his honor, and hers. By killing her, he erases her sins restores her to purity; â€Å"If I quench thee, thou flaming minister,/ I can again thy former light restore† (Shakespeare V. ii. 8). Both couples meet their tragic end as a result of extreme passion; it is simply that in Othello this passion is turned to jealousy and anger. Othello and Desdemona, and Romeo and Juliet share all the characteristics of a couple in a tragic love story, especially one written by Shakespeare, but the influences of the other characters in these plays, and the key differences between the Othello and Romeo, cause the plot twists that take these two couples to their predictable demise to be sufficiently different. Works Cited Shakespeare, William, and Alvin B. Kernan. The tragedy of Othello; the Moor of Venice.. New York: New American Library, 1963. Print.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The End of the Cold War and the New Threats to Global Security The WritePass Journal

The End of the Cold War and the New Threats to Global Security 1.Introduction The End of the Cold War and the New Threats to Global Security 1.Introduction Changing perceptions of military force and war2.1 New sources of security threat 2.2 Changing notions of war in a global world Meeting the new security challenges: a revised agenda for peace ConclusionBibliography: Related 1.Introduction The end of the Cold War marked a new beginning for the international security agenda, and the demise of the simple bipolarity brought forward a revised agenda for human rights, international peace and cooperation and stability. The end of the Cold War triggered the rise of new threats and challenges to international security, and the advance of globalization led to the redistribution of power in the international system (Baylis Smith, 2007; Brown, 2005). In the context of globalization, the capacity of the state was undermined and as a result state-to-state relations dramatically changed (Strange, 2002). Classic wars were gradually transformed into â€Å"modern wars† (Kaldor, 1999; Smith, 2006; Shaw, 2005). In this different political environment, the security challenges were no longer existent on a state-to-state level, because of the growing importance of sub-state actors. This essay will focus on the reorganization of the international system after the end of the Cold War, and will discuss the new challenges to global security, posed by the demise of the bipolar regime. The essay will support the view that with the end of the Cold War, the world became a more dangerous place, because of the multiplicity of actors on the international scene and the changed perceptions of military force, war and security. Changing perceptions of military force and war The end of the Cold War brought forward the change of the perceptions of military force in several different aspects. The impact of these changed perceptions upon the international security agenda has been undisputed, and will be discussed in detail. For clarity, the author has chosen to focus only on the most important security-related transformations following the Cold War the new sources of threat such as nuclear weapons and terrorism, and the changing notions of war in the context of globalization. Their features will be discussed in the context of the changed dynamics of the international system. 2.1 New sources of security threat The end of the Cold War led to new security challenges, because of changing notions of military force and the new sources of security threat (Smith, 2006; Shaw, 2005). The first one is related to the rise of nuclear power. With the demise of the USSR, the simple bipolarity of the Cold War world was replaced by a multipolar world, where the centrality of power was no longer clearly defined (Brown, 2005; Jackson Sorensen, 2003). The rise of the Asian economic powers, the advance of nuclear and biological weapons in countries such as Iran, Israel and Iraq challenged the stability of the mutual deterrence principle, comfortably sustained during the Cold War (Hammes, 2005). Another source of security threat after the Cold War was related to terrorism, and the rise of sub-state actors (Smith, 2006). The War on terror, embedded in the Bush doctrine, was a clear demonstration of the changing nature of war, and the elusive image of the new enemy (Shaw, 2005). After 9/11 it became clear that terrorism was not a war against an enemy, but against tactics (Baylis Smith, 2007). Its manifestations and capacity to destroy were as much the result of political construction, as of historically embedded perceptions about the East and the West and their manipulation by mass media and policy-makers. After the end of the Cold War non-state actors such as Al Qaeda and Hamas, became a new source of security threat because of their ability to operate internationally but at the same time to exist inside the state (Shaw, 2005). Also, the controversies, around states labelled as rogue and unable to comply with the international standards for peace and democracy such as Afghan istan, Iraq, North Korea, Libya and Syria necessitated new means for meeting the challenges to threat and security. They will be discussed in section 3. 2.2 Changing notions of war in a global world Here it is important to mention globalization as a factor, which led to re-examination of the capacity of the state to observe human security and human rights (Strange, 2002). In the context of a borderless world, the international human rights agenda is inevitably revisited, and the main carriers of legal standards are no longer represented solely by state actors, but by the global civil society, comprising of International non-governmental organizations (INGOs). Because of these inevitable transformations, the very perception of security, threat and war changed in several important aspects. As Mary Kaldor famously observes, the end of the Cold War saw the rise of the modern wars, which lack time and space, because they are based on non-quantifiable demands often related to ideology, ethnicity, religion and the social construction of history (1999). The old wars were pushed away by new types of threats and conflicts, such as organized crime, and religious and civil wars. The early 1 990s saw the bloody demise of former Yugoslavia, and a series of conflicts in Rwanda, Congo, Sudan and Somalia, triggered by the redefinition of political borders, the struggle over economic resources and ethnic and religious factionalism. In the context of globalization, the modern wars are interstate conflicts, executed by sub-state actors. In this sense, it is important to mention that the growing presence of the sub-state actors has posed new challenges to the classic perceptions of security, because of non-tangible variables such as perceptions, as opposed to old-time military ambitions related to territorial invasion and economic gain. Meeting the new security challenges: a revised agenda for peace In order to meet the new security challenges, identified earlier, the international community had to devise a new agenda in the post-Cold war era. First, humanitarian intervention became important, and triggered as an effect of the revised agenda, where the security of foreign nationals, whose human rights have been violated by their home state became important (Jackson Sorensen, 2003). Despite the ongoing political debate about the legality and legitimacy of humanitarian intervention, a norm of intervention was authorized by the UN Security Council in the 1990s, which was followed by operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1996 and Kosovo in 1999 (Baylis Smith, 2007). Despite the criticisms that humanitarian intervention might stop the immediate killing of civilians but is not a reliable strategy for long-term piece, it reveals a shifted emphasis from military to human security in the years following the end of the Cold War. In this relation, another trend in dealing with conflicts became prominent – the imposition of economic sanctions for the purpose of exerting political, rather than military pressure upo n non-compliant states and communities. The posts of such wars of containment are the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. In addition, the role of the global civil society and the growing influence of INGOs as advocates of peace and human rights deserve a mention. The importance of international non-governmental organizations in global policy-making has been undisputed because of the more complicated security agenda in the post-Cold War era. Also, because of the multiplicity of actors in the international system, and the new security needs, states and intergovernmental organizations are unable to deal with international crises without the development programmes and research, provided by the INGOs. Although their political success remains disputed, their role as independent observers and proponents of policy change is growing. Conclusion This essay has attempted to show the changing nature of the international system after the end of the Cold War. Today the international community faces different security threats based on a new perception of military force. Terrorism and the spread of nuclear power have shunned classic state-to-state conflicts, and as a result a new security agenda for peace and cooperation has been embraced. In the era of globalization, the transition towards collective security as a model of global governance, remains a challenge but also a prerequisite for peace. Bibliography: Baylis, J. Smith, S. (2007) eds, The Globalization of World Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press Brown, C., (2005) Understanding International Relations, Palgrave: Macmillan, Ch. 6, pp. 106-123 Clausewitz, C. (1977) ‘What is War?’, On War, Princeton: Princeton University Press Hammes, T.X (2005) ‘War evolves into the fourth generation’, Contemporary Security Policy, Vol.26, No.2pp.189–221. Jervis, R. (1991/1992) ‘The Future of World Politics: Will It Resemble the Past?’ International Security 16, no. 3 Jackson, R. Sorensen, G. (2003) Introduction to International Relations, Oxford: Oxford University Press Kaldor, M. (1999) New and Old Wars: Organized Violence in a Global Era. Cambridge: Polity Press Shaw, M. (2005) The New Western Way of War: Risk Transfer war and its Crisis in Iraq Cambridge: Polity Press Smith, R. (2006) The Utility of Force: The Art of War in the Modern World London: Penguin Strange, S. (2002) The Declining Authority of States, in The Global Transformations Reader: an Introduction to the Globalization Debate, 2nd edition, Held and MacGrew (eds) Cambridge: Polity Press, pp.127-134 Van Creveld, M. (1991) The Transformation Of War NY: Free Press

Thursday, November 21, 2019

An Overview Of Criminal Justice Systems Assignment

An Overview Of Criminal Justice Systems - Assignment Example Prosecution and investigative powers accorded to law enforcers should not violate or abuse the rights of those who have been accused of crime (Friedman, 2003). In fact, those accused of committing crimes are protected by the law against any form of abuse from prosecution and investigatory powers (Hanes & Hanes, 2005). Therefore, criminal justice systems need to be clear and easy to understand so that they can ensure fairness and justice to all. Introduction Criminal justice has been described as the application and study of laws concerned with criminal behavior. Lawyers, the police and those working in the judiciary study criminal justice to understand the systems of criminal justice that are used in their jurisdictions. A criminal justice system is simply a set of social and legal institutions that enforce the criminal law in accordance with a predefined set of procedures, rules and limitations. ... As seen earlier, a criminal justice system consists of practices and government institutions responsible for promoting social control, mitigating and deterring crime and giving sanctions to all those who violate the law with rehabilitation efforts and criminal penalties (Guinchard & Buisson, 2011). Different jurisdictions may have different criminal justice systems but they should all be driven by the need to ensure justice and fairness prevails for all. The main objectives of any criminal justice system should be to control and mitigate crime and adequately deal with those that have been accused of committing crimes so as to protect their rights and those of other citizens (Walker, 1980). An Overview of the Criminal Justice System The criminal justice system is made up of three main parts. The first part includes the legislative which is responsible for the creation of laws to be applied within a certain jurisdiction. The second part is referred to as the adjudication and it is made up of the courts that are responsible for applying the law to decide whether a person who has been accused of committing a crime is innocent or guilty (Friedman, 2003). The third part of a criminal justice system is the corrections which comprises of correctional and custodial facilities, including probation, parole, jails and prisons. These distinct entities and agencies work together under the rule of law so as to maintain this rule of law within any given society (Walker, 1980). It is in these parts of the criminal justice system that the police, district attorney, defense council and the judges or magistrates are found. Each of these parties has their own distinct roles and responsibilities within any criminal justice system (Sunga, 2000). Investigative and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Discourse of a learner-centered classroom Essay

The Discourse of a learner-centered classroom - Essay Example CLT was initiated in the 1970's and reflected a trend that dismissed theories which focused on rote learning and the teaching of discrete points of grammar within a decontextualised environment. The CLT approach instead oriented toward meaningful communication as an interactive process, and this approach has been emphasised for inclusion within ELT course-books. This paper will critically review the manner in which reading and writing skills are presented in the ELT course-book Fast Track, Book 5 (Teacher' Book) (EF Education, 2001). Firstly a summary of the content of Fast Track will be presented. Secondly, reading and writing content will be evaluated with regard to group activities, culture, and meaningful communication. Finally, a conclusion shall synthesise the main arguments of the paper. The conclusion will also demonstrate how Fast Track fails to meet the requirements to provide comprehensive and progressive CLT learning experiences for students of English as a second language. The ELT course-book Fast Track, Book 5 (Teacher' Book) is a 195 page soft covered text. The book is divided into 7 Units; Getting to Know You, Going Places; Friendship; The Media; Men and Women; Thinking Outside the Box; and Working World. Included with the text is a Tape for "Listening Exercises," ant an Appendix section provides "Tape Transcripts." Skill focus icons are used for each Exercise; An "Open Mouth" represents exercises that focus on speaking skills An "Open Book" stands for exercises that develop reading comprehension skills and vocabulary. An "Ear" symbolises exercises to develop listening comprehension skills. An "A+B+C+" icon stands for exercises that build vocabulary around a specific lexical group. A "Verb Subject" symbol represents exercises that focus on a grammatical point. A "Pen" stands for exercises that develop writing skills. A "Brain" symbolises exercises that develop learning skills and strategies. "Reading and Writing Exercises" are presented within each Unit. The Teacher is trained using Teachers Notes in the 1" margin of each page. For each Unit Teachers Notes, there is a brief paragraph of about 33 words, to describe the Unit and the Unit goals to the Teacher. With regard to reading and writing skills for the students, the Teacher's Notes provide details about topics such as the point of the reading exercises, as well as about grammar, verbs, adjectives, and present perfect tense. A Unit Summary is provided at the end of each Unit, to explain grammar used in the exercises, to provide points on using articles, or to provide solutions to exercises with puzzles. The Teacher's text has the answers provided for each exercise in orange font. Culture & Reading and Writing Skills The learning requirements of English as a second language students is of critical necessity for students who intend to live, be educated, socialise and work in English speaking countries. Language skills affect learning ability, and subsequently the student's concept of themselves, their formation of interpersonal relationships, and their ability to

Monday, November 18, 2019

Reading report Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reading report - Coursework Example As far as the notion of nation includes an aspect of community and cooperation in order to build strong nation with invincible values and social order people should unite for common well-being. I agree with Clinton’s assertion of importance of national service, although his suggestions how to implement the service and inspire people to serve others don’t look like the kind of social education, that would make young people to understand the importance of national service, because it more looks like enforcement to serve. The main principle that young people are supposed to learn by serving their country is that not only a country should support people but people in turn have to give something back by serving the community they live in. If, for instance, to make it easier for young people to hold low-paying public service job, as Clinton suggests, so that they could still pay their student loans, it will not make young people more aware of importance of public service. The y will take it as a necessary obligation. In the meantime the concept of social service includes people’s awareness of them being citizens and the fact that citizenship means shared responsibility and co-existence with other citizens. Thus I believe that the very first thing which must be implemented is a special public service education that would make people aware of the fact that human co-existence stands on such things as compassion and mutual aid. Furthermore, people should realize that helping each other is not only an obligation but it is a joy and also a kind of profit; because if they start doing all the public service that is, as Clinton claims, â€Å"must be done† eventually the quality of their lives will become better because everybody else will start contributing more to common well-being. Thus, I believe that Clinton’s aims are reasonable and probably are supposed to maintain national strength, though his

Saturday, November 16, 2019

White Collar Crime: The Influences of the Social Class

White Collar Crime: The Influences of the Social Class Introduction When it comes to talk about crime, a lot of people will relate to the street crimes including burglary, robbery, and assault. However, more and more people complain that an increasing number of white-collar crimes exits in our society nowadays, such as false advertising, tax evasion, and insider stock trading. Write-collar crimes are very complicated issues which can harm victims both directly and indirectly without the victims even knowing it (Benson 3). It affects individuals, all levels of government, and all sectors of society, and brings about a considerate impact on the problems and concerns, and fears of the country. According to the sociological textbook Sociology: The Points of the Compass, this paper will use the sociology viewpoint which is from Chapter 5 to analyze how the white-collar crimes influence of the social class. The first section of the paper provides an overview on the concept of white-collar crimes. In the second section we will look at the severity of the white-collar crimes. Finally, we will analyze the social characteristics of white-collar offenders. The definition of white-collar crime The term of white-collar crime is original introduced by Professor Edwin H. Sutherland of Indiana University in 1939, which is crimes committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation. (Rosoff 2) Sutherland also defines two important facts of the white-collar crime. First, he points out that the white-collar offenders are in the upper social status and more powerful (Rosoff 2). Second, he refers the fact that the justice system is inclined to employ a very different procedural apparatus for dealing with white-collar offenders (Rosoff 3). Persons who violate laws regarding restraint of trade, advertising, pure food and drugs, and similar practices are not arrested by uniformed policemen, are not tried in criminal courts, and are not committed to prisons; this illegal behavior receives the attention of administrative commissions and of courts operating under civil or equity jurisdiction. (Rosoff 3) White-collar crime is also called commercial crimes committed by people exclusively for personal gain (Hackler 231). Herbert Edelhertz is official at the U.S. Department of Justice in 1970, who points out an offense-based of white-collar crime theory (Benson 7). He defines white-collar crime is an illegal act or series of illegal acts committed by non-physical means and by concealment or guile to obtain money or property, to avoid the payment or loss of money or property, or to obtain business or personal advantage (Benson 7). However, more and more criminologists argue with the Edelhertzs offense-based approach, in which an increasing number of white-collar crimes also physically harms and violences on their victims, like both the manufacture of dangerous products and the maintenance of unsafe working environments are important types of white-collar-crime (Benson 13). The Severity of the White-Collar Crime Actually, the white-collar crimes have caused much more serious results and damaged more of our society than any other kind of crimes. Even in societies that celebrate the importance of the individual, the power of authority can be surprisingly strong (Wicks 42). The white-collar criminals have more authorization to access cooperations asserts or governments confidential documentation; They build their plan precisely and accurately; They can operate their crime process for a long time because of very hard to be discovered. Therefore, a huge loss and harm have been made, when the police stop their crime eventually in most cases of white-collar crime. Louis R. Mizell, Jr., a former Special Agent and Intelligence Officer with the U.S. Department of State, he refers white-collar criminals exists anywhere in peoples life (Mizell). Consider the following studies: Every year an average of $160 million is stolen or embezzled from schools and colleges all over the country. Insurance fraud property, casualty, and health is a $95 billion-a-year scam Credit card fraud costs taxpayers nearly $3 billion per year. Dishonest lawyers pocket more than $14 billion annually More than $21 billion is being stolen from charities each year. Source from: (Mizell) These survey data shows us the fact that the white-collar crimes cost more serious than the street crime. White-collar crime results in few prosecutions and still fewer convictions for two main reasons. First, much white-collar crime takes place in private and is therefore difficult to detect. Second, corporations can afford legal experts, public relations firms, and advertising agencies that advise their clients on how to bend laws, build up their corporate image in the public mind, and influence lawmakers to pass laws without teeth. Moreover, even when prosecutions are successful, the punishment is usually light. (Brym 138) Furthermore, there are many indirect aspects resulted by white-collar crime in our society which widely cause more damages than the direct impacts. Many white-collar criminals work in backbone enterprises of a country and hold an important position in it, the criminal activities they acted not only hurt their employers, but also created a lot of harm for millions customers using their services. In some cases, it will affect the reputation of the country or cause the international conflict because of their actions. The victims families also are hurt made by those white-collar criminals. Sometimes, this harm is even more virtual than the direct victims themselves, for example, victims children grow up in the shadow of the harm against their family by criminals, they will have more resentment and negative emotions to the society when they gown up. They maybe because next criminal when those resentment explored one day. The public will loss the confidence to the government if the white-collar crime keeps increasing. People always believe it the governments responsibility to maintain the low crime rate in the society especially the white-collar crime which crime is made by the best class of citizens in the society. The Social Characteristics of White-Collar Offenders Social status is a relative term in the sense that people can be ranked as having more or less of it, depending on their income, education, and occupation. (Benson 164). Sutherland focus on persons of the upper socioeconomic classes, and respectability and social status (Benson 163). Most of the white-collar offenders are in the high social status, which have high level education, high occupation, and high income. In the Yale study, they summarize the main conclusions about the white-collar offenders. First, the typical white-collar offender is a middle-aged white male: 85.5% are more likely to be white, the average age of 40, and 85.5% are male (Benson 31). Second, on average white-collar offenders are better educated and more likely to be employed than common criminals: 79.3% are high school graduates, 27.1% are college graduates and 58.4$ are steadily employed (Benson 31). White-collar crime is committed disproportionately by people from middle and upper classes (Brym 138). The social class conflicts also reflect to the white-collar crimes: the abuse of power. The Marxians conflict theory tends to construe every social conflict and every measure of social power as an expression, device, or function of economic struggle (Silverman 173). It indicates white-collar offenders abuse their power and uses their social status advantages to harm victims. Actually they do more harm, cost more money, and ruins more lives than assaults, thefts, and rape (Hackler 231). The upper class offenders exists widespread of institutions, including business, government, the medical profession, even religious organizations; and they role the remarkably diverse set of actors, like captains of industry, politicians, doctors, cops, and computer hackers (Rosoff 19). Conclusion In Chapter 5 of the Sociology: The Points of the Compass summaries that knowledge and high position in society cant guarantee person keep away from white-collar crimes. The more capability the person has the more damage he/she made when this capability is used in commercial criminality. So, it is very important for teaching the public not only just the skills and knowledge which will find a job in future, but also teaching them what is the correct morality and values in society.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Catcher in the Rye :: essays papers

The Catcher in the Rye In The Catcher in the Rye, Holden views the world as an evil and corrupt place where there is no peace. This perception of the world is also shared by many individuals of today’s society. In their mental scope, a gun is needed to change a person’s views. Holden also possesses this view, but is not drawn in to this extreme. Gradually he comes to the realization that he is powerless to change this corruption. It takes most of the book before Holden begins to realize that he is helpless to stop this corruption. Finally, he realizes that not only is there nothing that he can do, but there is nowhere he can go to hide from it. Holden takes awhile to comprehend these concepts. One good example is when Holden is delivering the note to his sister. He encounters a "*censored*-you" written on the wall. Holden careful rubs this off with his hand so as to protect the innocent children from reading it. Later on he finds "*censored*-you" scratched into the surface with a knife. He discovers that he can't efface this one. Even in the timeless peace of the Egyptian tomb room at the museum there is an un-erasable "*censored*-you." This incident is the beginning of Holden's realization that his dreams are infeasible. This example relates to society today. In the high school massacre, where two kids took matters in their own hands by using semiautomatic weapons, thinking that they can change corrupti on by using force. This narrow stubbornness led to their death. They did not eliminate corruption and discrimination, but elevated the intensity in which it was based. Holden did not go to this extreme, but he realized that there is nothing that can be done to reverse this so called corruption of the world. He sees that trying to stop evil and corruption only makes it worse, it has to be played out until it collapses on itself. â€Å"All the kids kept trying to grab for the gold ring, and so was old Phoebe, and I was sort of afraid she'd fall off the goddam horse, but I didn't say anything or do anything. The thing with kids is, if they want to grab for the gold ring, you have to let them do it, and not say anything.

Monday, November 11, 2019

PEST Analysis Essay

Q) On the basis of PEST analysis launch a Pakistani product in Belgium? In order to launch a Pakistani product in foreign country we have to look macro economic conditions of that country. There are different accept and measurement. As to market Pakistani product certain thing are important for instance culture, area, age, group, buying power, availability of raw material etc. Macroeconomic play vital role to sell a product in any country of the world. In macroeconomic PEST analysis is very important. PEST analysis means political economical social and technological condition of a country where we launching our product. I am launching Shan plain spices in Belgium. INTRODUCTION OF BELGIUM CUISINE Belgian cuisine is widely varied with significant regional variations while also reflecting the cuisines of neighboring France, Germany and the Netherlands. It is sometimes said that Belgian food is served in the quantity of German cuisine but with quality of French food. Outside the country, Belgium is best known for its chocolate and beer. Belgian cuisine traditionally prizes regional and seasonal ingredients, leading to distinctive dishes Belgians typically eat three meals a day, with a light breakfast, light or medium sized lunch and large dinner. Though Belgium has many distinctive national dishes, it should be noted that many internationally-popular foods like hamburgers or spaghetti Bolognese are also eaten in Belgium. The list incorporates dishes of Belgian origin, or those which can be considered typically Belgian. Fries and other fast-food establishments tend to offer a number of different sauces for the fries and meats. INTRODUCTION OF SHAN FOODS Shan Foods started from a single small room some twenty five years ago. Management decided to launch its very own brand and start a full-scale manufacturing unit to cater to the taste of the local public. Shan is one of the largest exporters of premium quality packaged spices, recipe mixes, pickles and desserts with products adding taste and flavors .Shan Foods (Pvt) Ltd. Is a rapidly growing food company with presence in over 50 countries Strengthening their departments with candidates having extraordinary positive energy, obtain and edge in technology, and determined in execution, with a passion for excellence. The main objective of Shan foods sourcing department is to work with quality suppliers. The department diligently pick and select the best quality spices. Company pays extra attention in obtaining raw material. The planning process of Shan foods is depending on S&OP. The planning purpose of Shan foods is to achieved the target of R=R.. The make process of SCOR model is referred to the production or manufacturing facilities. Shan foods are dedicated to ensure the consistency of product by using well equipped production techniques. The supply chain team ensure that the goods or shipments reach their destinations well in time to match market trends and customer demand. PICTURE OF SHAN FOODSShan Foods started from a single small room some twenty five years ago. Management decided to launch its very own brand and start a full-scale manufacturing unit to cater to the taste of the local public. Shan is one of the largest exporters of premium quality packaged spices, recipe mixes, pickles and desserts with products adding taste and flavours .Shan Foods (Pvt) Ltd. Is a rapidly growing food company with presence in over 50 countries. Strengthening their departments with candidates having extraordinary positive energy, obtain and edge in technology, and determined in execution, with a passion for excellence. The main objective of Shan foods sourcing department is to work with quality suppliers. The department diligently pick and select the best quality spices. Company pays extra attention in obtaining raw material. The planning process of Shan foods is depending on S&OP. The planning purpose of shan foods is to achieved the target of R=R. Shan foods believed that planning should be right and in efficient manner. The make process of SCOR model is referred to the production or manufacturing facilities.Shan foods are dedicated to ensure the consistency of product by using well equipped production techniques. The supply chain team ensure that the goods or shipments reach their destinations well in time to match market trends and customer demand. PEST ANALYSIS P = Political E = Economical S = Social T = technological B) ECONOMICAL FACTORS IN BELGIUM 1)Nature of the Belgium economy: The modern, private enterprise economy of Belgium has capitalized on its central geographic location, industrial and commercial base. Most traditional industrial sectors are represented in the economy. Belgium developed an excellent transportation infrastructure of ports, canals, railways to integrate with its industry. Belgium has one of the most open economies in the world. This nature of economy suitable for Shan product 2) GENERAL ECONOMIC SITUATION IN THE REGION: Belgium currency is Euro. Belgium is a very open economy. This country allows foreign investor to invest in their economy. Euro is strong currency because of strong hold in economy as Shan product earn profit which in return help Belgium’s economy to rise more. 3) STRENGTH OF BELGIUM MARKET: Belgium has a well-developed free market economy, based on both industrial and service sectors. It is heavily dependent on international trade. Strong research and development team. Our lay man giligentally pick and select best quality species. Company pays extra attention in obtaining raw material. Our product is certified from international standards like ISO 9000 which is globally recognized throughout the world. 4)PRUCHASING POWER OF CONSUMERS: Belgium’s economy was based on the nation’s manufacturing capabilities. The country was the first in continental Europe to undergo the Industrial Revolution. Belgium depends heavily on world trade. Belgium’s trade advantages are derived from its central geographic location. We introduce our product in family pack as well as sachet so that every individual can take pleasure of spices in their cuisine. 5) PRODUCT DISTRIBUTION PATTERN: Supply chain team ensures that the goods or shipment reaches their destination well in time to match the market trends and customer demand. There Should in some stock in ware houses as a backup line ounce’s the stocks end in the store we immediately fill up store shelves through our product. Belgium developed a highly efficient and capable transportation infrastructure that included roads, ports, canals, and rail links. 6) DEVELOPMENT PROCESS IN BELGIUM: Food Industry is highly developed in Belgium, is devoted mainly to the processing of imported raw materials into semi finished and finished products, which are then Consume by Native. 7) Level of the economic income of the country: The rate of inflation in Belgium, this often refers to the rate of inflation based on the consumer price index, or CPI for short. The Belgian CPI shows the change in prices of a standard package of our product Belgian house holds purchase for consumption. 8) GROWTH OF OTHER BUSINESS: A unique strategic vision of the market in Belgium is presented, in particular identifying the numerous companies present together with their market shares and major brands by country and product. Standard data tables for each product provide a panorama of companies’ strengths and presence 9) INFLATION IN BELGIUM: The inflation is based upon the Belgian consumer price index. The index is a measure of the average price which consumers spend on a goods and services. Inflation based upon the consumer price index (CPI) is the main inflation indicator in Belgium. Our Shan product is easily adjust in the market. A) POLITICAL FACTORS IN BELGIUM 1) POLITICAL STABILITY: Political environment refer political and governmental and legal environment. It has close relationship with the economic system and economic policy. for instance Belgium is a constitutional monarchy in which ultimate power rest with bicameral parliament. Belgium is an EU member state and as a member of EU Belgium have to follow regulation on trade treaties, import treaties, custom duties and other trade regulations. This political stability help Shan product to launch easily and archive the desire result. 2) GOVERNMENT SUPPORT: The Belgium government welcomes foreign investment and once established foreign owned company Is treated in the same way as Belgium owned company. Belgium tax incentive tend to favour new service industries and high tech companies. 3) TAXATION SYSTEM IN BELGIUM: The principle taxes effecting the companies are the cooperate income tax, pay tax on remuneration paid to employes and directors, insurance premium tax and depending on the location of the company certain regional and local taxes. Belgium has fully implemented the EU parent subsidiary intrest royalties and saving directive into domestic law. 4) CHEAP LABOUR: Belgium labor law encompasses laws on the terms of environment on rules of health and safety. All major Belgian companies have European work council agreement. Foreign employee who want to work in Belgium must have work permit and this work permit can be obtained relatively fast and easy. As permission form the Belgium government Shan food company easily take cheap labor from Pakistan which help the company to reduce its liability. 5) LAW AND ORDER SITUATION: As a law and order situation in Belgium is far better than Pakistan. no hap hazards, blast or other issues regarding the security. Suppler deliver the product on time. There’s no peril of theft of product aur raw material.prdust arrive on time in the market,at the right palce and on the right time. 6) CORRUPTION Belgium has a very open economy and offers a reliable environment for direct inbound investment. Because the country has a federal structure and is also subject to European regulations, decisions affecting the investment climate are taken at a variety of levels. Changes in corporation tax are making Belgium an increasingly interesting place. Belgium is least corrupt country. Corruption is minimal, and the government prohibits and punishes all forms of bribery. 7)ACCOUNTING,FILLING AND AUDITING REQUIREMENT: The annual report of Belgian companies must be drafted in accordance with Belgian GAAP(generally accepted accounting principle).foreign companies are required to deposits each year financial report in central bank. Financial statement must be audited by a statutory auditor because of well organized accounting system this country help a lot to accomplish Shan plain spices. 8) OPEN MARKETS: Belgium has low tariffs along with other members of the European Union, and non-tariff barriers are relatively low. The investment regime is largely open. The Financial Crisis Law passed in June 2010 grants the government stronger powers to step in during crises. In order of loss in sale of Shan plain spices Belgian government come forward to help the company. In rainy days government help company to pay its liabilities. 9)REGULATORY EFFICIENCY: The cost of establishing a company has been reduced to below 20 percent of the level of average annual income, and starting a business takes only three days and four procedures. price control policies continue to affect a range of products and services. 10) AVAILABILITY OF LAND: Belgium is a federal state consisting of three culturally different regions: Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels. In the 19th century, the area began to industrialize, and Wallonia was the first fully industrialized area This brought the region great economic prosperity. Regulation duties apply on leasing of real state located in Belgium at rates ranging from 0.2% to 12.5% is depending on the area where the company is located.

Friday, November 8, 2019

French University Reform Essays

French University Reform Essays French University Reform Essay French University Reform Essay It is on Thursday eight of November when the professor arrived to learn in one of higher establishment of larning to happen merely four out of a category of about 50 pupils sited in the schoolroom waiting for their right to instruction. But once more to the amazement of the lector the door had been locked by the janitors. no furniture that were indoors ; doubtless concluded that was traveling to be a wholly different twenty-four hours. and no acquisition was traveling to take topographic point. Has been like in the instance the twenty-four hours before. a good figure of pupils had gone on work stoppage ; non truly protesting against modest as was being claimed governments in the running of the universities. but the evident extremist reforms the Gallic authorities had proposed for privatising higher larning instruction system that was in desperate demand of. Nowhere else in any universities runing from Harvard to Haifa. the free university of Berlin to Wichita province can one brush such sort of higher instruction as inefficient. helter-skelter. perversely bureaucratic and at the same clip dysfunctional as the higher instruction system like that of French. : It is even interesting that an American professor in the Gallic system does non merely experience displaced but feels holding landed wholly on another planet. This is because everything every bit far as higher instruction system is concerned is a muss ; from substructure. a module office to student lodging. nice wages for talks. to even ample schoolrooms everything that is necessary for both instruction and research ( Lowenthal 1998: 1-5 ) . What existent was in France. was democracy merely as a name and equality of chance which ill practiced in higher establishments. this lead to over crowded schoolrooms. underpaid professors. an ugly state of affairs where module offices are shared between eight to ten teachers. in add-on. the system was mired in a batch of bureaucratism ; for illustration for one to acquire some photocopies you have to go through through a series of secretaries in the signifiers of gum elastic casts and in add-on you have a to halt at several offices before you at long last acquire the service done. but sing all this. the authorities still calls it democratic ; to me seems it is democratic because it reduces wholly everything to the lowest possible common denominator. I am stating this because this is a county which is really unequal in its instruction system since through high school. it does a really recommendable occupation but on making to higher degrees its purpose seems to be fiscal procuring. in the sense that it spends really small in higher academic acquisition in order to salvage money at the disbursal of the immature people who deserve it. so I may inquire. is at that place any demand of puting so much in high school or secondary instruction? The Gallic parliament adapted Torahs which allows universities more autonomy to pull off their assets and budgets recruit staff and design classs. make partnerships with concern and in add-on to look for more support from private fiscal corporations. it besides gives particular power to university caputs. sing that even in America Universities have really high liberty. and power caputs ( Lowenthal 1998: 3-8 ) . The students’ presentation was need for extremist alteration in higher instruction direction ; from finance. mercantile establishments for alumnuss in using their instruction. to the choice of pupils. And as such. the extremist reforms that were suggested by the present authorities have been strongly resisted by many people and professionals from all back evidences and they include the harmonisation of Gallic Diplomas to degrees that would do them go fundamentally a bachelor’s. a master’s and PhD with the of remainder of Europe and in add-on a grater localisation of authorization over Gallic universities. this will as a consequence allow single universities more autonomy over their budgets. But what about modest proposals the pupils were showing against? In the proposed extremist alteration. the authorities backed off organize them for the chief ground that many people in France don’t prefer such proposals for they raise the dark ghost of an elitist and undemocratic system which would therefore mean that instruction will be merely for the rich which they besides falsely assume happens in America. However. it is non a frailty with its upfront in chase of a nice system of higher instruction which will make off with inequality as seen by many Gallic Authorities. Again the authorities needs to set some good sum of money although it might be root of immorality like an American professor who teaches in France puts it. There is a point at which excessively much democracy like excessively much pasties before dinner can take to a sort of facile and simplistic inebriation. For though money may good be at the root of all evil. it can besides pave the route to a greater justness. a more benevolent. though still imperfect. universe. Indeed. the major difference I have therefore far seem between the purportedly elite university where I besides teach the institute detades politiques de Paris. for which most pupils pass an entryway test and pay around $ 31000 in one-year tuition. and in the more democratic one the former plants. A manageable figure of pupils really show up in a schoolroom designed to suit them conveying with them the books from which they can really larn ( Rahul 2007: 4-7 ) The participants of the presentation denounced the denationalization of higher instruction. those hazards of diktat of private companies and demanded an addition in subscription fees. in add-on they besides cried for the declining societal inequality. This is because the integrating of private companies in regulating secondary schools regulating boards and funding higher instruction would be biased towards topics oriented or inclined towards their concern demands and automatically topics like literature. history and sociology would be extremely suppressed. The release motion on November 9 would hold slowed down but was heightened by so. so deteriorating societal clime. This made the authorities to denounce the work stoppage and all encirclements as fundamentally a political motion tormented by one side. with its ain purpose to hurt of the involvement of the pupils. As the presentation was traveling on Valerie Pecrease met with the pupils. brotherhood on for treatments. and in the meeting he told the pupils that the jurisprudence can non modify harmonizing to their demands but supported adjustment an amendment that was put frontward by the Union for a popular motion ( UPM ) . and promised to add? 11 million to the proposed 2008 budget. But the leader of UNEF pupil brotherhood claimed that the addition was clear grant to the mobilization and it was a good sign but insufficient and at the same clip urged pupils to mobilise more in order to win other grants. The jurisprudence was subsequently adopted in parliament and the brotherhood accommodated itself to it. One of the first European Union’ Lisbon scheme is to allow more liberty for university which is besides set out by the European council set in Lisbon in March 2000. to make Europe. by 2010. the most competitory and the most dynamic cognition based economic system in the world ( Rahul 2007: 5-7 ) However Gallic is behind in doing this sort of reforms to enable it vie in a planetary cognition based economic system. Such reforms are really critical for its capitalist economy which presently falls behind its challengers. However. president Sarkozy promises to prosecute reform plan. although he is tepid about it. All the same pupils don’t have much support. even the support from societal party has non given its support to the UEF nevertheless. even if it gives its support its place is the same like that of UNEF. The socialist party supports the rule of the jurisprudence and gives much consideration on the extremely dissentious inquiry of the encirclements. because they are the agencies of enlarging the motion. in my sentiment. they forget that today one does non hold to barricade the university to enable him convert the pupils. However. one might non fault the authorities because the current privatization of the universities is mostly based on ignorance of the current existing pattern and refusal to compare and measure. as in like even a more efficient higher instruction system of United States. In the terminal. they will finally perpetuate an undemocratic. and underfinanced system that offers pupils deficient preparation and to the state as a whole at the same clip it gives the state a degree of research below its criterion of what it is capable of accomplishing. This will further increases the inequalities among pupils. the spread between universities and the Grandes Ecoles in France. and in conclusion between Gallic and foreign establishments ( Rahul 2007: 7-9 ) This in the existent sense. it means future employment are at interest we therefore need to take the bravery to interrupt this tabu or else we continue droping farther. Work cited Lowenthal. M. ( 1998 ) . In the article Unsanctioned projects for Gallic university reform higher instruction Quarterly 22 ( 4 ) ; 1-8 Rahul. K. ( 2007 ) . In the article French pupils mobilise against university reform ; 1-9

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Slash Your Job Search Time In 3 Simple Steps

Slash Your Job Search Time In 3 Simple Steps Old-fashioned job search methods are proving to be just that: old-fashioned. The newspaper classifieds section is something of a laughingstock, and blasting resumes and cover letters blindly into online application systems is almost just as silly. The face of job hunting has changed. Be on the cutting edge, and cut your job search time in half with these 3 simple steps. Find the Voice Behind the CurtainIn this case, that just means: find the hiring manager. Especially when traditional channels aren’t getting you very far. Go straight to the source. The hiring manager will have fewer filters in place to keep out the likes of you, so you have a better chance of making a connection and getting your application noticed. Use a combination of LinkedIn and the company’s website to find out who your best point of contact would be, then draft the classiest, most professional email you can.When in doubt, send the following two things to the department manager you’d be work ing with directly:Create a  Pain LetterThink of this as a cover letter plus. A pain letter, in case you’re unfamiliar with the term, is a letter in which you try to sell yourself to the prospective company by identifying something that pains them, and showing yourself in the unique and perfect light to fix it. Maybe you explain how you solved a similar problem before, at a previous company, or how you filled a similar gap before- with great success.Don’t forget to pump up the company a bit; don’t just list its faults and weak spots! Do emphasize how grateful you’d be for an opportunity to help take them to the next level of greatness.Humanize Your ResumeWe sometimes make the mistake of sounding too cold and removed in our job application materials- like we’re trying to be super professional. But, we end up sounding kind of dry and robotic. Instead, try wording your resume in the first person, with an emphasis on what your particular skills and ex perience can contribute to the organization.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Legal Method - Case Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Legal Method - Case Summary - Essay Example The Court of Appeal also found that negligence could be inferred. The defendant then appealed to the HKC. The legal issue at the heart of this case was the extent to which the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur can be successfully claimed in relation to the facts of the case and the trial judge’s ruling. Pursuant to the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur, the defendant would be liable if upon the evidence presented, it was found that the injury complained of, was such that it would not have occurred but for the defendant’s negligence and injury itself was within the parameters of the defendant’s duty of care relative to the plaintiff. The doctrine of res ipsa loquitur is especially relevant in medical cases alleging negligence where the plaintiff is not conscious and the medical professional administers care that is presumably within his/her knowledge and outside of the plaintiff’s knowledge. The res ipsa loquitur operates to establish causation and was therefore the legal issue at the center of the case. The plaintiff had surgery for prostate cancer on the lower part of his body and immediately after discovered that he had sustained a serious nerve injury to his left arm, an injury that he did not have prior to going into surgery. The injury was diagnoses as left radial nerve palsy. Since the injury was not associated with, nor in the vicinity of the surgery, the presumption was that the injury occurred during the anesthetist’s care. Moreover, the trial judge found that the injury was sustained while the plaintiff was under the effects of the anesthesia. It therefore followed that the injury occurred in circumstances where the patient/plaintiff was under the care of the anesthetist, albeit while in surgery. The factual issue in dispute was whether or not the injury occurred as a result of compression to the injury area and whether or not that

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Text, Image, Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Text, Image, Culture - Essay Example Most of the consumers buy televisions to satisfy their need of being connected to the world. Before, small television sets already satisfied this need. However, when the big televisions were introduced, the society began to change their through of being duly satisfied. It came to be that bigger televisions would bring about better self satisfaction level for many consumers. Besides convenience, they are satisfied by the fact that they are able to benefit from the best and most recent innovations of technology, which makes them a part of a modern society. Psychologically, being able to get along with the society is a great benefit in terms of self-satisfaction matters of an individual. Usually, owning large-sized televisions suggest extravagance and luxury. This fact then adds up to the social status of an individual who has the capability to purchase the said type of televisions. Normally, a person who owns a television set that is of a large-size is usually identified as someone who has a better social status than that of the others who own smaller television types. Yes, owning a large television also identifies the financial capability of the consumer. As known to many, large televisions cost higher than that of the smaller ones. This is mainly because of the features that it posses and the elements of entertainment that it offers its viewers. Aside from this, the marketing strategy of the said types of television sets suggest that if consumers buy them, they are to be considered "cool" by the society. As a result, many consumers who buy the said device have the same idealism as they take ownership of the television. On Personal Companionship Many among those who purchase large sized television would want to fulfill their need of having a personal companion. Psychologically, this may be termed as a personal need of having someone or something to fill the void of companionship within a person. More than just the idea of relaxation that the television provides, for many introvert persons who would rather stay at home than mingle with other outside, televisions serves as a personal companion. The certainties of the fulfillment of the said television regarding the said need could be seen in the actual provisions of the television of bringing the world to the house of the television viewer or owner. On Advertising Matters and Social Culture In a world of numerous products offered by different manufacturing companies, advertising strategies used by the business establishments could be both appealing and blinding to the eyes of the consumers. Why is this so This is due to the fact that marketing